#storytime From Clean to the Red Mist

Here is a start of a story, I just need to start writing and this was the beginning of that process for me. It’s not a full story but the start of one. Here is the inciting incident. I still don’t know who these characters are but I needed something to happen to get the ball rolling. This scene wasn’t supposed to go into the direction it did but I needed that moment and I took the Die Hard route given it’s the holidays. I originally posted this on Medium but also want to use my own online space for this material while I get a feel for writing something this way.

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The Weight of the Ten Rings

What is this story about? This takes place almost shortly after Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. It doesn’t point to what could happen with the rings or his sister specifically since you don’t know where those stories could go. It is a small tale or part of one that I was using to figure out how to make it flow from exposition to action and description. I’m still figuring out how to make it work. This is part of that journey for me as a writer or want to be writer right now. This is a fan fiction, just me playing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to see who these characters from personal perspective.

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My conflict with Religion vs how I see Faith

In the modern world I tend to see religion as a means of control for people. It is a lot more than that, it is a way people come together, creates common beliefs between people but I differentiate individual belief and faith from organized religion of any kind. I can’t say I’ve ever been religious, …

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What I Frustrates me in Modern Stories in trying to find the One Story I need to Tell

Culture can often be reflected in the stories we tell, the heroes we create and the situations we put them through. If that is the case, I have come to feel that in the stories told within the Hollywood system hit the same beats with such consistency they warp our view of stories as a …

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